šŸ­ What is the difference between the 3 different modules?


A company can enroll in one of the three modules.

The Silver module is the most simple one:

  • You can load your description and logo on the company page.
  • With this module, the company takes over the registration costs of its staff. In return, the employees connect their challenge to the company.
  • However, there is no report available and it is not possible to sponsor staff automatically .


The Golden module has various extra's available: 

  • You can automatically sponsor your employees.
  • In addition to automatically to the logo and descrition, you can add  a link to your coprorate website
  •  A handy quarterly report with clear information - perfect for your internal company communication

The Platinum module has got the following extras included:

  • the possibility of splitting the company pages into departments (to allow some fun competition between different offices, locations or departments within your company)
  • a monthly report with clear figures (external report: how  does the company performs  in comparison to other companies) (internal report: review how the departments perform in relation to each other)

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